Please advise不是在徵詢意見...究竟有沒有機會合作?破解商用英文「客套話」
Jessica在海外展覽時遇到一位英國廠商,覺得頗有合作機會,回國後寫了一封Email,想踏出合作第一步。結果對方回了一封信,說“I will see what I can do.”
原來“I will see what I can do.”是老外拒絕人的一種委婉說法。如果你想和老外約見面,他說 "Maybe I try to fit it in my schedule."(我再看看怎麼調整行程),多半也是拒絕的客套話。
1. Just wanted to follow up:
(其實是)是已讀不回嗎?(Why have you not responded to my last note?)
2. Let’s circle back on this:
(其實是)我沒空和你說(I can’t deal with u right now.)
3. I know you’re busy…:
(其實是)你都不回,其實你也沒有那麼重要好嗎(You never respond to me and you’re not that important.)
4. I’m wondering if I could pick your brain about something.
(其實是)救救我吧,我快不行了!(Help me please. I am dying.)
5. Can’t help with this at the moment, but I’ll let you know if anything comes up!:
(其實是)我壓根忘了你要幹嘛。(Already forgotten what you were asking me.)
6. Thanks so much for your understanding:
(其實是)以退為進的策略,從八O年代早流行至今。(Email — Making passive aggression exponentially easier since the early ’80’s.)
7. Best:
(其實是)我們是陌生人,現在和以後都是。(We don’t know each other and never will.)
8. Regards:
(其實是)我40好幾了。(I am over 40.)
9. Please advise:
(其實是)不需指教,直接幫我吧!(No really. Help me now! )
10. Let’s move forward with the current plan:
(其實是)再花一分鐘考慮,我就要生病了。( If we spend one more minute deliberating on this, I will be physically ill.)