One day, you'll need to learn how to save money, even if you don't have anything to save for right now. Get used to saving and budgeting now! Then you'll have money when you do want something expensive, and you'll be practicing for your future. Tip one: Be clear about how much money you have coming in. Do you get your allowance weekly or monthly? Do you earn any other money? Total your money for the period you want to budget for. Tip two: Separate needs from wants. You need money for transportation; you want to have money left over for snacks and games. Then decide which of your wants should get priority and which ones you can let go. Tip three: Make a budget! Once you know how much money you will have in a period of time, you can decide how to spend it. Separate the money for your needs and don't touch it for anything else. Then add up how much your wants will cost. See if you can make your needs and wants add up to 90% or less of your total allowance. Tip four: Put your savings—the 10% or more that you aren't spending each month—far away. Put them in a bank or somewhere that you can't reach easily. You'll be less tempted to use them that way. Tip five: Write your expenses down, at least until you can get used to what they are. This way you'll know where your money is going and what you need to do to hold on to it longer. Tip six: Put a little bit away every day. Even if it's just change, get used to having something left over. You'll be surprised at how much change adds up over months. 即使現在沒錢可存,你總有一天要學習如何存錢。現在就開始養成存錢及編預算的習慣吧!那當你想要某樣昂貴的東西時就會有錢了,這是為了未來練習。 訣竅一:弄清楚收入有多少。你的零用錢是每週拿或每月拿?你是否有其他的收入?算出你在這段預算的時間裡總共有多少錢。 訣竅二:將需求和慾望分開。你需要錢搭交通工具,但你希望有錢剩下能買點心和遊戲。決定哪個慾望該做為優先,哪一個該放棄。 訣竅三:編預算!一旦知道自己在某段時間會有多少錢,你就能決定如何花錢。將需要的錢放在一邊,別為了其他東西就去碰它,然後將想花的錢加總起來,看看需求及慾望的總和,是否能控制在零用錢總額的90%以內。 訣竅四:將存款(每月剩下的錢的10%以上)放得遠遠的,存到銀行或是無法輕易取得的地方。這樣比較不容易受誘惑花錢。 訣竅五:把花費寫下來,至少做到清楚花費項目為止。這樣你會知道錢花在哪裡,以及該怎麼做才能把錢存久一點。 訣竅六:每天存一點。即使只是零錢,也要養成「留一點」的習慣。幾個月下來,你會對零錢的積少成多感到驚訝。 |