2023年10月26日 星期四

How Schools Can Cope and Grow When Their Students Are Using A.I. 學校該如何與AI化敵為友 甚至借力使力?

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2023/10/27 第456期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 How Schools Can Cope and Grow When Their Students Are Using A.I. 學校該如何與AI化敵為友 甚至借力使力?
Firefighters in California Are Working With A.I. To Spot and Stop Fires 加州消防廳 訓練人工智慧偵測野火
How Schools Can Cope and Grow When Their Students Are Using A.I. 學校該如何與AI化敵為友 甚至借力使力?
文/Kevin Roose

學校該如何與AI化敵為友 甚至借力使力?

Last November, when ChatGPT was released, many schools felt as if they'd been hit by an asteroid.


In the middle of an academic year, with no warning, teachers were forced to confront the new, alien-seeming technology, which allowed students to write college-level essays, solve challenging problem sets and ace standardized tests.


Some schools responded by banning ChatGPT and tools like it. But those bans didn't work, in part because students could simply use the tools on their phones and home computers. And as the year went on, many of the schools that restricted the use of generative artificial intelligence — as the category that includes ChatGPT, Bing, Bard and other tools is called — quietly rolled back their bans.


There is a lot of confusion and panic, but also a fair bit of curiosity and excitement. Mainly, educators want to know: How do we actually use this stuff to help students learn, rather than just try to catch them cheating?


Educators — especially in high schools and colleges — should assume that 100% of their students are using ChatGPT and other generative AI tools on every assignment, in every subject, unless they're being physically supervised inside a school building.


At most schools, this won't be completely true.


Some students won't use AI because they have moral qualms about it, because it's not helpful for their specific assignments, because they lack access to the tools, or because they're afraid of getting caught.


But the assumption that everyone is using AI outside class might be closer to the truth than many educators realize.


There are many ways AI could reshape the classroom.


Ethan Mollick, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, thinks the technology will lead more teachers to adopt a "flipped classroom" — having students learn material outside of class, and practice it in class — which has the advantage of being more resistant to AI cheating.


But students need guidance when it comes to generative AI, and schools that treat it as a passing fad — or an enemy to be vanquished — will miss an opportunity to help them.


"A lot of stuff's going to break," Mollick said. "And so we have to decide what we're doing, rather than fighting a retreat against the AI."


Firefighters in California Are Working With A.I. To Spot and Stop Fires 加州消防廳 訓練人工智慧偵測野火
文/Thomas Fuller

加州消防廳 訓練人工智慧偵測野火

For years, firefighters in California have relied on a vast network of more than 1,000 mountaintop cameras to detect wildfires. Operators have stared into computer screens around the clock looking for wisps of smoke.


This summer, with wildfire season well underway, California's main firefighting agency is trying a new approach: training an artificial intelligence program to do the work.


The idea is to harness one of the state's great strengths — expertise in AI — and deploy it to prevent small fires from becoming the kinds of conflagrations that have killed scores of residents and destroyed thousands of homes in California over the past decade.


Officials involved in the pilot program say they are happy with early results. Around 40% of the time, the AI software was able to alert firefighters of the presence of smoke before dispatch centers received 911 calls.


"It has absolutely improved response times," said Phillip SeLegue, the staff chief of intelligence for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the state's main firefighting agency better known as Cal Fire. In about two dozen cases, SeLegue said, the AI identified fires that the agency never received 911 calls for. The fires were extinguished when they were still small and manageable.


After an exceptionally wet winter, California's fire season has not been as destructive — so far — as in previous years.


Cal Fire counts 4,792 wildfires so far this year, lower than the five-year average of 5,422 for this time of year. Perhaps more important, the number of acres burned this year has been only one-fifth of the five-year average of 812,068 acres.


The AI pilot program, which began in late June and covered six of Cal Fire's command centers, will be rolled out to all 21 command centers starting in September.


But the program's apparent success comes with caveats. The system can detect fires only visible to the cameras. And at this stage, humans are still needed to make sure the AI program is properly identifying smoke.


Cal Fire's mission is to suppress 95% of all fires when they are 10 acres or less. The AI program will help the agency meet that goal, said Neal Driscoll, a geophysicist at the University of California, San Diego, and a leader of the AI project.


"The success of this project will be the fires you will never hear about," he said.



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